Olio Extra Vergine d’Oliva presto introvabile?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil soon unavailable?

Nov 22, 2023Il mio negozio Admin

A cry of alarm comes from the professional associations of the olive growing world: soon Extra Virgin Olive Oil could become unavailable on the shelves of shops. An eventuality that has been talked about for several months, that every day becomes more and more concrete, that has already struck Spain, where olive oil producers are experiencing a dramatic situation: drought is putting a strain on oil production, which is expected to be almost halved.

If Sparta cries, Athens does not laugh

As was to be expected, even the Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is likely to face the same problem with a reduced production, on the national territory, that will not support the needs of the entire population of the peninsula. Much of the shortage of raw materials, olives, is due to the climate changes that are tormenting the planet and, of course, the agricultural industry.

Even before arriving at the next oil campaign, the risk insists on the current stocks of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The moment when we might really not find more oil at the supermarket seems to come closer and closer. The risk, moreover, is destined to increase because of promotions that while they try to meet the economic needs of families, on the other hand they could anticipate the exhaustion of stocks.

How to deal with this risk?

Faced with the concrete possibility that the oil soon becomes unavailable, it is important to understand how to act correctly. The associations immediately asked for collaboration and called for a sense of responsibility throughout the production chain, asking to avoid those promotions below cost. A message should also be addressed to consumers who can make a difference by behaving responsibly: it is good, for example, to rely on local producers to have short-chain oil.

Everyone can do his part. You too!

Visit our online shop: you can choose between our EVOO monocultivar, the Organic Oil, the extra virgin blend, the maxi size for the home and much more: https://www.sabinoleone.it/shop/

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